Now, more than ever, research is being conducted on how much learning kids do during the ages 0-5 years. If you aren’t up on all of it, this documentary discusses it well. Reading and stories are a wonderful way to engage them from the very beginning, with the benefits changing as your child learns and grows.
Jolie has a great article about how important telling stories to your kids are. I was especially focused on her tips for creating stories on the spot since I automatically reach for the bookshelf.
Reading that post got me thinking about how my three children, all under age 5, have interacted with stories and books during this critical time for absorbing information. Reflecting back, it has been fascinating to watch and observe their experience with stories as they have aged, and in hindsight pair it with developmental milestones.
Newborns & Babies
As newborns, they are most focused on your voice, snuggling, and having you close by. They are content to listen to you talk.
Up until 6 months when most become mobile, you have their undivided attention for almost as long as you are willing to read to them - naps and eating aside. I picked any book I wanted and read as much as I wanted from it.
From 6 months to 18 months, they become more focused on motor skills. Interest in books takes on the role of “I can hold and carry this” and “let me turn the pages”. I rarely got past two pages in a book before they were up and finding a new one to carry and turn pages in. Board books and touchy-feely stories are perfect now.
Somewhere in the 18-24month span, my kids were willing to sit and listen again. Books needed to be short, which lots of engaging pictures, but they would listen. I found myself reading full stories out loud again, and often on repeat of 5 times in a row. In the repetition they picked up new things each time. The predictability allowed them to absorb sentence structure, new words, grasp the story’s flow, and participate with “fill in the blank” opportunities if I pretended to forget a word.
From 34-36 months we started to read longer picture books from start to finish. On almost every library visit we return home and start reading. Typically, we end up reading through all the new books that same day.
More recently, companies like Wonderbooks and Vox Books have designed an audio version of the story that is attached directly to the book for readers who want more than mom or dad can handle on a given day. Sold exclusively to libraries, they are a welcome update to the CD/Book idea.
At four years old, we started reading chapter books with pictures. It give us as parents a little more to invest into, and a new story to follow for several reading sessions. The amount of pictures in early chapter books vary, so be sure to pull it off the shelf and thumb through it first. Classics like “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and “Matilda” are great places to start.
I’ll be curious to see what happens when my oldest has learned to read on his own. He already goes to bed with the light on and a book in hand to stare at the pictures once we leave the room.
Independent Readers
I have not hit this stage with my children yet, but as an avid reader myself, I know the multitude of benefits reading has provided me.
Vocabulary is probably the most obvious. I love the meme that says do not make fun of a person who mispronounces a word because that means they probably learned it through reading. This rings true to me more often than I’d like to admit because it means I mispronounce a lot of words.
Another benefit is using your imagination and being able to escape a situation. You can also relate to and learn from characters.
Non fiction books (fiction can too) teach you things without realizing the process is happening. Books are also great resources when you purposely want to learn about something.
Reading also helps you become a better writer as you internalize sentence structures, experience how authors weave a narrative, and understand different ways words work together.
Do You Love Books Too?
I love them so much that when I decided to pass along some tips I used while parenting three under age three for over a year, I chose the format of a book for the content. It makes a perfect gift to buy yourself or someone you love. As this reviewer states “I literally use these tips everyday. This is my new go to baby shower gift because of how helpful it is. Highly recommend!”.
Find my recently released book “15 Ways For New Moms To Manage Stress & Stay Sane: The Actually Useful New Mom Care Package” everywhere books are sold.
I discuss 15 ways not commonly written about you can use daily to make life easier while on yourparenthood journey. Each tip will help you manage your mental stress and organize your day to make you a happier mom.
Written by a mom who had three kids under age three for over a year. Edited and influenced by first time moms who are past the first year. Made for moms who want to:
• Learn about ways to organize their day and manage their expectations.
• Discover how to tap into their local community, family, and friends for support.
• Minimize stress caused by four main money concerns by implementing provided strategies.
• Maximize their mommy/baby bond with four parenting frameworks.
Whether pregnant for the first time or home with your fifth newborn, it helps you get a handle on your stress levels, stay sane, and enjoy the everyday in every day, starting today!
Kelly Mager
Author Bio: Kelly enjoys most articles that depict aspects of raising children. However, she has often been disappointed in products advertised as helpful to new moms since they have rarely been helpful to her. This inspired her to connect parents with meaningful resources to make life easier, more organized, and better supported. A mother of three boys, a lover of reading, and armed with experience in operations improvement, she kicked off her mission with the publication of "15 Ways For New Moms To Manage Stress & Stay Sane: The Actually Useful New Mom Care Package". Learn more about her current projects on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Etsy at MiniMischiefManaged.